Below are videos made by Pro-Global Methodist Church and Pro-United Methodist Church representatives. Because Adam’s videos are a response to Rob Renfroe, it may be easier to Rob’s and them Adam’s response and go back and forth. Pastor Josh will be able to discuss any thoughts or questions you may have after watching the videos.
Outsider's report on UMC: The United Methodist Church Split (2023) - YouTube
Pro-Global Methodist Videos by Rob Renfroe
1. The United Methodist Church is Divided and Dividing - YouTube
2. Our Differences Regarding the Bible - YouTube
3. Our Differences Regarding Jesus - YouTube
4. Our Differences Regarding Sexuality - YouTube
5. Why It's Time for Traditionalists to Leave - YouTube
6. Where Should We Go? - YouTube
#Proud to Be UMC with Adam Hamilton
Adam Hamilton Responds to Rob Renfroe: Why UMC? - YouTube
Adam Hamilton Responds to Rob Renfroe: Love of Scripture - YouTube
Adam Hamilton Responds to Rob Renfroe: Committed to Christ - YouTube
Adam Hamilton Responds to Rob Renfroe: Human Sexuality - YouTube
Adam Hamilton Responds to Rob Renfroe: A Future with Hope - YouTube
Adam Hamilton Responds to Rob Renfroe: Moving Forward with the UMC - YouTube