Pastor Josh asked the staff of BUMC several questions about how they have seen God at work in the church, their experience with Jesus, and the future of the church. This post is from our Children's Director, Amy Osner, connected to the videos released these last couple of weeks and our sermon series: What Did I Sign Up For? Enjoy!

How have you seen God at work in the church this last year?       

God has really given us so many reasons to be grateful this year. Specifically in Children’s Ministry, we are flowing with ideas, plans, and ways to continuously instill faith in our littles. We are gearing up for the fall and I cannot wait to see what God has in store for our tiny humans.

What excites you about our church today?       

I just really love the atmosphere right now. There is a lot of change, which can be scary. But I see it as excitement. Change means growth, in my mind, and growth means more disciples. “Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow.” (Matthew 6:28) Plus! The more people I get to consider my church family, the better!

How is Jesus working in your life?       

Right now, I feel like I’m learning my purpose. I believe we all have different gifts, according to the grace given to us and how we are meant to share. For me, I’m trying to be teachable, show grace daily, and continue to help/lead others. Specifically, that means being the best I can be in all of my roles – prioritizing my roles as a wife and mom. The more I am able to better myself and allow Jesus to work in it, the better I can be to those most important to me.

What God-sized dream do you have for the future of our church?       

Boy, I have a lot. Most importantly, I just want everyone who enters BUMC to feel welcome and loved. For Children’s Ministry, its not about the volume of the kids, for me. It’s more about guiding them, helping foster a connection with Christ, ensure they feel empowered, and to create a space they always feel loved. Oh gosh and have fun!

What is your reaction to this quote: “Attempt something so big, that unless God intervenes, it is bound to fail.”       

There is always a chance of failure, but we still have to try. Things are ever changing, but we must keep looking to the future. We can continue to stick to our core values and beliefs (hi – God’s got your back) and see all of the positive changes we can make in the world if we just try.