1 John 19 says, "If we don't teach our children to follow Christ, the world will teach them not to." This is my mission for Burlington Methodist Church. I grew up in Coffey County my entire life, being raised in Gridley, Kansas. After high school I attended Baker University in Baldwin City, Kansas, where I received a degree in Mass Communications. At Baker I not only received an outstanding education but I also had the opportunity to continue my spiritual journey as many of the classes had a faith-based focus. My husband, Nick, and I together have raised our four children, Austin, Bryce, Haley, and Hattie, in a blended home instilling the importance of prayer and establishing their own relationship with God. We are both members of the Burlington Methodist Church and stay busy managing our four businesses in Waverly, Kansas. Nick and I are blessed to serve as the interim youth ministry leaders for our church. Trust me, we learn just as much from them as they do from us!
M, T, TH, F 9AM to 2PM